Hulu – Return To The Planet Of The Apes: Flames Of Doom – Watch the full episode now.


Once again, Hulu gets me. I have not seen this series since it debuted back in 1975. I was a wee lad at the tender age of 8. Having re-watched this show, holy crap, I am really happy with series. In my opinion, this is way beyond the normal Saturday morning kids show. I grew up watching the movies and the live action Apes series and grew to appreciate them even more when I could truly appreciate them. Since I did read the original La Planète des singes by Pierre Boulle, this animated series seems to be more in keeping with Ape City. Unlike the movies, the city looks very grandeur like a Roman city. The animation is surprisingly above the norm with a great amount of detail to color and the composition of their shots.

TreehouseDuring this time, I remember fondly receiving the Planet of the Apes Treehouse for Christmas. I could simply not get enough of those damn dirty apes with their stinkin’ paws. However, this would make an interesting podcast for the Monster Scifi Show in the future. If you have any Ape memories you care to share them, please free to comment to this blog. Who knows, I might invite you to be a guest on my podcast. In the meantime enjoy the first episode from

Vodpod videos no longer available.

1 Comment

  1. Great article! I got the treehouse as well when I was a wee laddie. But my favorite moment in this episode is even after all the sirens, beeping and flashing warning lights, the ship still has a needle that needs to point to “DANGER.” Nice work.


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