Marvel wants Google to help unmask ‘Avengers’ leaker | New York Post



Do you remember when the new Avengers trailer was released a week before  the scheduled airdate on Agents of SHIELD? Do you remember when fanboys and fangirls had non stop nerdgasms from the constant watching and rewatching of the trailer on the Internet? Do you remember the perfect response from Marvel?

Well, the fun is now over for “John Gazelle”; who ever leaker is? Let’s look at the upside to this leaked Avengers trailer. First, the amount of interest or buzz around the early release only helped Marvel/Disney’s bottom line. Granted, this movie will not be out until next year but as reported yesterday, Disney’s financial report for 2013-2014 came out as the year increased 8% to a record $48.8 billion in revenue. So really, Disney is not hurting financially but how does this damage Disney in the long run? I really can’t see this how hurts them except in the way of ratings for Agents of SHIELD as this was to be broadcast during the show. Granted, Disney was smart to have this to help this struggling show but this would not be the case if the show was any good.

As for the matter of Marvel/Disney looking to Google for help in finding the alleged leaker is a dangerous move. I’m not going to give a slippery slope statement that this one move by Marvel/Disney means that Mickey Mouse and Iron Man will come knocking on your door if you say something inappropriate about this corporation or how Minnie is fucking Goofy (old joke). But where do you draw the line? As Princess Leia would say, “The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.” The more Marvel/Disney flex their muscle to combat this the more these problems will become even more persistent.

I think the tweet from Marvel Entertainment was done very tongue in cheek but a perfect response. However, if there are leaks in the House of Mouse, perhaps this is where they need to start. Besides, Marvel/Disney need to make this problem work to their advantage.

The Avengers are fighting a new masked villain and his name is “John Gazelle.”Disney-owned Marvel claims that’s the name used by the online culprit who leaked the trailer of its upcoming superhero opus, “Avengers: Age of Ultron” almost a week early. The studio wants to force Google to help it track down the “alleged leaker,” claiming that a user who by the name “John Gazelle” uploaded content from the trailer to his Google Drive account, according to court papers.

via Marvel wants Google to help unmask ‘Avengers’ leaker | New York Post.

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